Moderate scale of foreign exchange reserve is very important to economic security. With the development of the international exchange and foreign trade, our country 'need for foreign exchange reserve has greatly increased. 随着国际往来和国际贸易的不断扩大,我国对国际储备的需求不断增长,保持适度的外汇储备规模,已成为我国经济正常运转的重要条件之一。
According to the problem of moderate scale of foreign exchange reserve, the thesis analyses the characteristic and reasons for the increased foreign exchange reserve since 1994, secondly, it discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the rapid increase of foreign exchange reserve theory. 围绕我国外汇储备的适度规模问题,本文首先分析了自1994年外汇管理体制改革以来,我国外汇储备快速增长的特点和原因;然后对外汇储备快速增长的利与弊进行了分析;
The game theory is therefore introduced in analyzing both countries 'policies of foreign exchange reserve to get a relevant countermeasure model in terms of a simple matrix, by which an optimum strategy is obtained for the policy of China's foreign exchange reserve. 运用对策论对中美两国间在使用外汇储备政策上的博弈进行了分析,引入了一个外汇储备政策矩阵对策模型,从而得到中国外汇储备政策的最优策略。
Therefore, in order to guarantee the profitability of foreign exchange reserve, China has to resolve urgent problem for high stock of foreign exchange reserve by actively exploring effective method in operation, strategies and other specific matters. 因此,为了保证外汇储备收益性,积极探索有效的外汇储备运营方式、策略等具体事项,成为当前化解中国高额外汇储备难题,优化外汇储备运营的当务之急。
As the rapid increase of national foreign exchange reserve and the growing demand for domestic foreign exchange investment, foreign exchange structured deposits, which is characterized by its high flexibility and high yield, is gradually becoming a hot choice for foreign exchange investors. 随着国家外汇储备的迅速增长和国内外汇投资理财需求的提升,外汇结构性理财产品作为高灵活性、高收益性等特点逐渐成为外汇投资理财者的新宠。
Thus to our country foreign exchange reserve financing leasing pattern formed a preliminary conception, for the relevant departments to solve the excessive foreign exchange provides a new train of thought. 从而对我国的外汇储备融资租赁模式形成了一个初步构想,为相关部门解决超额外汇提供了一个新的思路。
In order to provide the help and instruction for the research about foreign exchange reserve scale, and provide the basis and coordinates for the formulation foreign exchange reserve policy; we must regard and strengthen to research the international reserve demand theory, especially the newest front theory. 这就要求我们重视和加强对国际储备需求理论尤其是最新前沿理论的研究,以便为研究外汇储备规模提供帮助和指导,为制定外汇储备政策提供依据和坐标。